Page name: Nightmare://Welcome to my Realm [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-06-20 21:50:12
Last author: ..Nightmare..
Owner: ..Nightmare..
# of watchers: 5
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D20: 12
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Banner, Made by [Hokage Hagakure]

Hello and welcome all of the minds terrors and wanders, I am Silent Nightmare. Welcome to the realm of reality and mind combined. All your scariest most freakishly realitys can be partaken here. Be what ever your insanly cataclismic mind can conjure. As for me the nightmare starts now, Enter the Unknown://Realm 1 of the Nightmareshades and enjoy your flight, fall, cascade into the wonderous essence of the mysticallity of another persons mind.

'Under Construction.'

Interest your Innerself with these links:

Unknown://Before the Nightmareshades
Unknown://Realm 1 of the Nightmareshades

Nightmare://Characters page 1
Nightmare://Characters page 2

Nightmare:// Information page 1

anything extra that might help:

D)Ground rules:

F) IF you have


more questions then message me with them.

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2005-02-23 [Darkness of Faith]: ok already lost lol...what is the RP about?

2005-02-24 [KAT\\\]: Hello All!!!and what might this be about?

2005-02-24 [..Nightmare..]: Ok i JUST got back on ET my comps been having technicall dificulties... Ill put a better description up here in a few....

2005-02-24 [Expensive Fidelity]: OOOO!!! I put him in there. He's a dreamer too... but I put him under Nightmare just to be safe. ^_^ am i in am i in!!

2005-02-26 [..Nightmare..]: lol yes your in :P

2005-02-27 [Darkness of Faith]: i am still confused lol...but then again you always seem to get me lost sadi

2005-02-27 [..Nightmare..]: Lmao.... k well send me an msg what you dont get or w/e and once i get up that one page under letter E then hopefully it will help some

2005-02-28 [Darkness of Faith]: yea that page has so much on it -_- lol...and yea i will msg you

2005-03-01 [..Nightmare..]: Lol, it doesnt have anything on it yet, cause im not done doing it yet duch >.<

2005-03-01 [Darkness of Faith]: i know...hurry your lazy ass

2005-03-01 [Expensive Fidelity]: yes yes!! I'm with Velvet here! Hurry your ass up sex slave!

2005-03-01 [Darkness of Faith]: lmao...yes hurry you damn slut...

2005-03-01 [Expensive Fidelity]: yes yes... he is my bitch, my sex slave... I commnd you to hurry!

2005-03-01 [Darkness of Faith]: hes not here -_-

2005-03-01 [Expensive Fidelity]: < stupid josh!

2005-03-01 [..Nightmare..]: hes ~boku wa shinendauchibe wo kanyunjiru~ right now please leave a message after the message and hope he will return...

2005-03-01 [Darkness of Faith]: whatever im out....and i dont think im coming back in here

2005-03-01 [Expensive Fidelity]: Yes yes... whatever..... just hurry your butt up with your ~boku was shinenduachibe wo kanyunjiru~

2005-03-01 [Expensive Fidelity]: Josh is a BAKA!!!

2005-03-01 [..Nightmare..]: do you even know what the 'Boku wa shinendauchibe wo kanyunjiru' means???

2005-03-01 [Expensive Fidelity]: No. ^_^

2005-03-01 [Expensive Fidelity]: no hoble japanese... (see i can't even SPELL spanish)

2005-03-01 [..Nightmare..]: Hoblar.... and it means I'm feeling dead inside...

2005-03-01 [Expensive Fidelity]: Oh... AW! SAd!!! Well... I got three smiles out of you after I started counting... you smile a lot... that's supposed to be good for you

2005-03-01 [..Nightmare..]: Lol ^.^

2005-03-02 [Expensive Fidelity]: See! I bet you smiled. That makes four... bitch. lol

2005-03-02 [..Nightmare..]: LMAO

2005-03-02 [Expensive Fidelity]: OOO! That probably makes five smiles, bitch!!! YES!!!

2005-03-02 [..Nightmare..]: Nopes

2005-03-03 [Expensive Fidelity]: Liar

2005-03-03 [Darkness of Faith]: lalala im back ^^

2005-03-03 [Expensive Fidelity]: lalala yay you're back! ^^

2005-03-03 [Darkness of Faith]: lol i dont know you but yes i am back lol

2005-03-03 [Expensive Fidelity]: I don't know you either... but I just thought I'd say that

2005-03-04 [Darkness of Faith]: its all good

2005-03-04 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: People that live in dreams are Boring, Life is a dream But most of the time u have to get back to reality and see wats goin on around u

2005-03-04 [Expensive Fidelity]: Rrrright. Well, I live in my world most of the time. And my world is made of dreams.

2005-03-04 [..Nightmare..]: Lol Sooooooo justin you trying to live out your dreams is boring? your such a hypocrit at times lol

2005-03-04 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Hypocrit ha, thats funny how so there Josh?

2005-03-05 [..Nightmare..]: Well you just said people who live in dreams are boring, well most Artists(bands wise not actual art) are living in the dreams they set out apon and for an example in this case cause its one of your favorite bands, Slipknot i seriously doubt dislike what their living right now and i bet its nothing like a bore at the moment, But for the hypocrit statement i made towards you, is the fact that you yourself wanted to create a band and i highly doubt that wasnt a dream you just wanted to try out but acctually want to complete meaning you yourself are living in a dream.

2005-03-05 [..Nightmare..]: Oh also... sorry just remembered to add this... most bands as an example i used up there, Slipknot are living in their dream but its also their reality..

2005-03-05 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Ya, exactly, true there Josh, But the reason Im making a band is to get word out and we all say Fuck the Money, who needs money, like really Josh if u wanna be a hypocrit towards My band, go ahead, atleast my band members live in the same town as me

2005-03-05 [Darkness of Faith]: Hey, just because you arent in the same town it doesnt me you cant make it work, if you are good enough friends then anything can happen...thats what is so great about it ^^

2005-03-05 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: True statement there VRD

2005-03-05 [Darkness of Faith]: Thank you lol

2005-03-05 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: If u have a strong friendship shit should work out

2005-03-05 [Darkness of Faith]: and we all do, therefore i think it will work

2005-03-05 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Yah, good luck

2005-03-05 [Darkness of Faith]: thanks...i think...and btw i am still confused about this wiki...sadi get off your ass and explain lol

2005-03-05 [Darkness of Faith]: no he made it...he just hasnt really explained it yet...or i am just really stupid and dont get it

2005-03-05 [Expensive Fidelity]: No... i don't quite get it either Velvet. You're not alone, I promise. ^_^ And you DO need money in order to live. Having no money means no food and there are too many assholes out there that couldn't give a rat's ass as to how you live. You don't need money for a lot of things but you do indeed need moeny to live.

2005-03-06 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Money: Mans Greed, I dont really care for money, when i get it, i have to spend it as fast as i can, it may be a priorty in Life, But once ppl see, Its Not right to charge people for wat they want and need

2005-03-06 [Darkness of Faith]: If you think about money its is a different subject, i mean we pay for what we need...and prices rise because of what people pay people...i could go much more in depth, but i wont not in here

2005-03-06 [Hokage Hagakure]: LOL actually price rise b/c of the supply/demand.................LOL............

2005-03-06 [Darkness of Faith]: yes but that wasnt my point ^^ i have thought about the subject before...its just a interesting thing to think about

2005-03-06 [Hokage Hagakure]: well that was my point..........i made it........and its correct...........:P

2005-03-06 [Darkness of Faith]: yea i know you are...but that wasnt what i was trying to say lol

2005-03-06 [Hokage Hagakure]: lol well i can go on and on....about this subject................and make point after point...........ill just lets you little guys have fun with you debates............ill stay out of them........:P

2005-03-06 [Darkness of Faith]: not really a debate lol...but yea so could i...but i could go on and on about a lot of things, but one thing i dont know, is what the hell this rp is about

2005-03-06 [Hokage Hagakure]: lol...............we shall see upon the return of [..Nightmare..]

2005-03-06 [Darkness of Faith]: yea i know lol

2005-03-07 [..Nightmare..]: Tick tock tick tock, oh hey look times passed.... and justins still a dumbass.... Ya, exactly, true there Josh, But the reason Im making a band is to get word out and we all say Fuck the Money, who needs money, like really Josh if u wanna be a hypocrit towards My band, go ahead, atleast my band members live in the same town as me,< thus being a message that i recived after provving justin is a dumbass and a hypocrit.

2005-03-07 [..Nightmare..]: First, i said nothing about you wanting the money, or the glory or anything else for that matter. Second how the fuck was i a hypocrit, i suggest you go to school look up the fucking word in a dictionary and then come back and explain in full detail how the fuck i was a hypocrit, third again your being a hypocrit by mocking another band in the making when you dont want people to make fun of your own band. So stop with the fucking hypocticall wordings at myself and everyone else, icluding people on Nexus, who have to read your hypocritcal claims everytime they check your page on there.

2005-03-07 [Expensive Fidelity]: Ok ok ok. I'll save ya'll the trouble of looking up the word. Hypocrite: One who does one thing, but says the opposite (or vise versa)

2005-03-07 [Darkness of Faith]: comment...

2005-03-07 [Expensive Fidelity]: What... that's the definiton. it may not be word for word..

2005-03-07 [Darkness of Faith]: no i know it just not gonna say anything...

2005-03-08 [..Nightmare..]: I see

2005-03-08 [Expensive Fidelity]: ... ?.? ....

2005-03-08 [Expensive Fidelity]: Get off your butt bitch and work on your wiki!!! *breaks out the whip*

2005-03-08 [..Nightmare..]: lol i havent been able to get on my browser this is like the first time since like Friday and i was supposed to be off like 20 mins ago

2005-03-08 [Expensive Fidelity]: GRRR! Let us kill all parental units together

2005-03-08 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Lol then we wouldnt have rules, so why Kill parents, we would also starve to death cause if it wasnt For them, we wouldnt Grow

2005-03-08 [..Nightmare..]: Not my parents My comp and i figgured the time i go to sleep at

2005-03-08 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Well, sleep is a priority But the parents shouldnt care we arent disturbing anyone

2005-03-08 [..Nightmare..]: Thats true to.

2005-03-08 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: When im told to go to bed, i say, why? then they say cause u have school, i say, Im up before u anyway so why worry about it, and normally thats how it is except for today *shrugs*

2005-03-08 [Hokage Hagakure]: lol i just always used my sneakiness to get where i wanted..................*rule of ninja* master invisibilty.

2005-03-08 [..Nightmare..]: lmao

2005-03-08 [so empty every time I've had enough!]: Lol, well thats awsome hokage, i have no need to sneek on to the comp tho

2005-03-08 [Hokage Hagakure]: nor do i..........i didnt much use cyberspace then............anyway............

2005-03-09 [Expensive Fidelity]: Well, fine... if we won't kill the parental units... then we WILL kill Sadi's comp, get him a new one, THEN kill the government and take their money which is our families anyway b/c it's just our tax moeny. NO ARGUEMENTS! THE GOVERNEMTN DIES!

2005-03-09 [Hokage Hagakure]: lol..........funny..............diff counrties have diff governments............which government is doin the dying here? *.*

2005-03-09 [Expensive Fidelity]: Ok ok. The American government first... THEN whoever's next in line ^+^

2005-03-09 [Hokage Hagakure]: lol ok.......

2005-03-09 [Darkness of Faith]: right...

2005-03-09 [Expensive Fidelity]: *nods* yes... Bush must DIE!! So should the rest of the government here. It's all gone to shit

2005-03-09 [Hokage Hagakure]: its too damn fuuny to me how little ones talk about dont really know enough to talk but w/e............have your fun........

2005-03-09 [Darkness of Faith]: lmao

2005-03-09 [Expensive Fidelity]: I despise politics. But I do know what I like and don't like about our government and present president. So please, don't call me little and tell me that i don't know enough to talk. I have my opinions, I respect yours. I strongly dislike Bush... not that I like Kerry any better.

2005-03-09 [Hokage Hagakure]: lol ok........14 yr old.kiddie...........w/e you say..................

2005-03-09 [Darkness of Faith]: dum dum dum...doo de doo

2005-03-09 [Hokage Hagakure]: sorry but youve got a couple more years............LOL............then you can act like you know what youre talkin about >XD

2005-03-09 [Expensive Fidelity]: I'm sorry. I don't want to be rude. I'm trying to be polite as possible. Listen, I'm not saying that I know everything ok? I don't think my age should count for anything. Just because I'm only 14 doesn't mean I don't know what I'm talking about or what my opinions are. So please, I'm asking nicely, don't tell me I don't know what I'm saying. I KNOW my opinions and that's that.

2005-03-09 [Hokage Hagakure]: ..but you dont understand goin on.............only what you think...........and what your parents have beaten into your dont tell ME i dont a college lay off the politics just makes you look stupid when i give you this keep goin on...and so will i..............

2005-03-09 [Darkness of Faith]: i dont care about is boring to me...oh well lol

2005-03-09 [Hokage Hagakure]: lol..........thats why bush is our president --_--................b/c people your age dont give a fuck...........and thats is why the US is ultimatley fucked...and btw goblin..i was just fuckin with you............wanted to see what you had to say for agree bush is a tool..........a dumbass............and spending all our money........we dont have........on the military....when were already in debt with others.......hes gettin us further in debt >.<

2005-03-09 [Expensive Fidelity]: HEY! My parents haven't beack Jack Squat into my head. All me. I like my own opinions. ^+^ And I never said YOU didn't know, ok. So yeah. I DO lay off politics. I HATE them personally. And I DO care... that's why I even said anything. I wouldn't've even VOTED this election if I could.. just stupid people wanting a job they can't handle.

2005-03-09 [..Nightmare..]: Thank god im a fucking canadian..... eh?

2005-03-09 [Darkness of Faith]: my mom is and i could be ^^ lol...i wish i was too lol...i dislike the states

2005-03-09 [Expensive Fidelity]: Shut up Sadi. I swear, one more president like this... And I'm moving into Matty's basement... in Canada. I'll live in his and Lo's basement off of Poptarts and Juice in the name of MIKE

2005-03-20 [Death's Die-Ary]: i like the president ^^

2005-03-23 [..Nightmare..]: >.< lmao

2005-03-24 [Expensive Fidelity]: YES!!!! YOU MUST!!!Bitch.

2005-03-24 [Expensive Fidelity]: Sorry... but I find our president to be a complete idiot!! He makes up words!!! "I think they missunderestimated me." C'MON!!

2005-04-03 [Creasman]: Bah. All the seemingly nice wikis are plauged with politics. poop

2005-04-03 [..Nightmare..]: Yea their really weird -_-'' Right now the wiki is under construction because some people do not understand it, i shall be working on it soon enough, but ive been quite busy lately, but as soon as i can i shall have this up and running.

2006-06-20 [..Nightmare..]: God i havent been here for a while... K im rescaping this entire wiki making it into something else more smiple than complex evne though my mind works in complexity not simplicity. THIS WIKI WILL BE OPEN IN LESS THAN 6 DAYS TIME!!!!

2006-06-21 [angeni]: Gosh! Hurry up haha

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